Dealing With Gruntee's


This section we will talk about what you can do to protect yourself from other gruntee's and what is within your rights as a shadowclan gruntee.


Gruntees have nobody to answer to but the grunts of the shadowclan (and all the members higher then grunt of course) this means that any disputes between gruntees can be handled in one of two ways.


Clomping Time:

Yes, you can clomp a gruntee "IF" he has wronged you in some way (IE. stealing your things or peeking on you when you have told them not to). Usually gruntee/gruntee clompings happen when they Role Play a arguement and have it out. If you choose to go this path the winner determines who is right, don't try to clomp the gruntee and then after you lose, come whine to a grunt. Take this route if you are very sure of yourself.


Whine to a Grunt:

Sometimes you may want to tell a grunt what is going on. Just make sure that the grunt you bug to bother with your gruntee to gruntee problems isn't busy because he will prolly shrug you off and tell you to fix it yourself. A good way to talk to a grunt about a problem you are having is to ask him/her if you can talk to him in private and then tell them your problem... Most grunts will help you in this way. They are here to help you.


I hope this has cleared any question you may have had on this topic. If you wish to add anything to this section please contact the webpage master.

